Public, Private Partnership key in achieving affordable housing

The  government is collaborating with relevant stakeholders to fast track the delivery of the 500,000 affordable and social housing units by 2022, so as to meet the current deficit of 1.85 million. The government is therefore banking on public private partnerships in its bid to build these social amenities with the Qatar government indicating that […]

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A company seeks approval to construct a private dam in Murang’a

A private company is planning to put up a dam along river Mathioya in Murang’a with an aim to boost supply for domestic and irrigation water in the County. Aqua Trench Designs and Works Company have applied to Murang’a government to get approval to do feasibility study along the river in preparation of construction of […]

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Government moves to establish rules and regulations to man boda boda sector

The  Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure is in process of establishing new rules and regulations which would bring order and sanity in the boda boda sector. The Transport Cabinet Secretary (CS), James  Macharia said the ministry has formed a taskforce to come up with new regulations to manage boda boda operations in the country. He […]

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Construction of affordable houses to commence in July, Infrastructure CS

The  government will launch construction of affordable houses in July this year, Roads and Infrastructure C abinet Secretary (CS), James  Macharia has said. The  one million housing programme, Macharia noted will be divided into 56 projects, where every county will have one housing project and Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu have more than one. The  CS […]

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