PS challenges youth to start income generating activities to earn a living 

The  Information, Communications and Technology Principal Secretary (PS), Jerome Ochieng has challenged youth engaged in Kazi Mtaani programme to make savings and start income generating activities. Jerome  told the youth that they now have an opportunity to initiate income generating activities to help them as a side activity and stop relying on only one source. […]

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ICT PS decries low forest cover in Kisumu County

The  Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Communications Technology and Innovation (PS), Jerome Ochieng has decried low forest cover in Kisumu County and called for change of strategy to reverse the worrying trend. Ochieng  noted that Kisumu County has a dismal forest land coverage of only 0.4 percent, which is far below the envisaged […]

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Mucheru meet ministry staff, calls for team work

Government  Officers have been asked to work closely with the youth at the grassroots level, in order to engage them into participating in national development. The  Cabinet  Secretary (CS) for Information, Communications and Technology, Innovations and Youth Affairs, Joe Mucheru said by involving the youth in the formulation of government policies and programmes the youth […]

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PS assures safety of Huduma Namba data

The  government has assured Kenyans that data collected for Huduma Namba registration  was safe and shall be used in accordance with the law. The Information Communications and Technology (ICT) and Innovation, Principal Secretary (PS), Jerome Ochieng said the data protection act 2019 shall be enforced to ensure that all data collected from Kenyans is safe. […]

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Government to leverage on the internet explosion to create job opportunities for the youth

The  government is leveraging on the internet explosion to create unique opportunities for many youth to innovate and provide solutions to stem the rising unemployment levels in the country, Principal Secretary (PS) State department for Broadcasting and Telecommunications, Ms. Esther Koimett has said. Ms. Koimett  said  that through the Ajira Digital Programme (ADP), the government […]

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