County upscales efforts to transform agriculture

Kakamega County has a predominantly crop farming economy with livestock farming taking a small portion of the available land. The Deputy Governor, who doubles as the Agriculture and Livestock Development Executive, Prof. Philip Kutima, says they are encouraging diversification to enable residents to venture into alternative agricultural enterprises. The Professor says this diversification has been […]

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KALRO to provide 25 tons of potato seed for multiplication to farmers

The  government has provided for free 25 metric tonnes (500 bags of 50kg) of potato basic seeds for planting to counties to produce certified seeds. This will result in about 2,500 tons after two field multiplications and added to the current annual production of 6,500 tons of certified seed, will improve farmer access to certified […]

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Government assures stable food balance in the country

All  livestock markets along the Kenya/ Tanzania and Kenya/ Somalia borders have been shut indefinitely, Agriculture, Livestock and fisheries Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) Ann Nyagah has said. Other livestock markets that have also been shut are in Narok Kwale, TaitaTaveta , Shambole market in Namanga Kajiado County and also DIF and Dagahaley markets in Wajir. […]

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58 groups received over Sh. 51 million grants

The  Department of Agriculture has disbursed over Sh. 51 million to 58 groups in West Pokot County under the Kenya Climate Smart  Agriculture Project (KCSAP). The  KCSPA is a five-year National government project jointly supported by the World Bank and is carried out in 24 counties in the country. Speaking  on Wednesday at Kishaunet  Show  […]

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County adopts climate-smart agriculture to boost food production

The   World  Bank in collaboration  with the Government will  spend sh54.7 billion to promote climate smart agriculture  in Kakamega County. Under  a  programme dubbed Kakamega Climate Smart  Agricultural Project (KCSAP), the World Bank will contribute sh25 billion while the Kenya Government will top up with the balance of sh29.7 billion. The  Project Coordinator, Merina  Adhiaya  […]

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