Kericho celebrates Sharon Chepngeno’s top performance in the KCSE  

Celebrations for the top Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination girl Sharon Chepngeno Terer continued, Saturday, at her rural home in Kiptewit village, Bureti Sub-County in Kericho. Residents of Kericho thronged the village to congratulate Chepngeno who emerged the third overall best candidate in the KCSE results. She attained ‘A’ Plain of 87.173 points. […]

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Pregnant Women acquire free mosquito nets in Kericho

Kericho County has stepped up efforts to reduce the number of malaria infections, especially among pregnant women who are deemed to be high risk group by supplying them with free mosquito nets. The County Malaria Control Coordinator, Mr Richard Siele, revealed that the free mosquito nets were available to the pregnant women during their prenatal […]

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Efforts to improve poultry production

The Kenya  Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization has come up with a superior indigenous chicken breed that will deliver the objective of increasing egg production. Speaking  during a training of agricultural extension officers from Kakamega and Kisumu counties at Busia Agricultural Training Centre on Friday, the  Director of Non-ruminant Research at KALRO, Steven Mwangi Miano  noted […]

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Lenku Dismisses Controller of Budget Report on Expenditure

Kajiado Governor Joseph Lenku has dismissed reports by the Controller of Budget Agnes Odhiambo that his government has not adequately utilized funds allocated to it for development during the Final Year 2017/18. The Controller of Budget report covering  the period between July and September 2018 lists Kajiado among 24 counties whose development expenditure fell below the […]

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