Kisii, UK Gov’t partner to boost the Health sector

Kisii County Government hosted the British High Commissioner to Kenya, Jane Marriott where they discussed ways of boosting the health sector to provide better health services to residents of Kisii and neighboring counties. Speaking to the media, Kisii Governor, James Ongwae, said health services transcend administrative boundaries and therefore, the county has partnered with different […]

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Police arrest people in Bonchari for voter bribery

Police in Kisii County have arrested several people over claims of voter bribery in the ongoing Bonchari Constituency by-election. Speaking to the press at Nyamiobo Primary School Polling Station in Riana Ward, Kisii County, Nyanza Regional Police Commander, Karanja Muiruri, could not estimate the number of those arrested and added that the money allegedly used […]

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Man In Custody For Allegedly Defiling His Two Daughters

Police in Kiogoro Police Station in Nyaribari Chache Constituency, Kisii County are holding a man who allegedly defiled his two daughters. The man, aged 32, is said to have defiled his two daughters aged 12 and 14 years on diverse dates at Nyankoba, Bobaracho Ward in the same Sub County. Addressing the press yesterday, Acting […]

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Women Leaders Decry Increased Defilement Cases in Kisii

Women leaders in Kisii County have unanimously condemned rapid increase in defilement cases in the area and called for concerted effort towards ending the menace. Addressing journalists after inspecting construction of a rescue center for gender-based violence victims in Kisii town on Thursday, the leaders led by the County Women Representative Janet Ongera particularly expressed their […]

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