Priest who attempted murder of his lover and child to be sentenced

The judgment of an excommunicated Kitui Catholic priest who attempted to murder his lover and child to conceal his promiscuity, will be delivered on June 16, 2021 before Kitui Chief Magistrate Stephen Mbungi. Father Japheth Mwove Kimanzi, formerly of Kabati Parish under the Kitui Catholic Diocese, was accused of causing grievous harm to Ms Veronicah […]

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National Voice Infrastructure Project launched in Narok

About 68 sub-locations in the country which were previously not linked to mobile telephony have been connected to mobile network by the Communications Authority (CA) through Universal Service Fund at a cost of Sh1.2 billion. Speaking during the launch of the first phase of the Universal Service Fund (USF) Voice Infrastructure project for the entire country […]

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Over 30, 000 Elders Enrolled Under Kitui cash Transfer Programme  

The government is committed to supporting older persons through the provision of monthly stipends to enable them access quality healthcare, food and shelter, a social development official has said. Speaking to KNA on Wednesday in Kitui, Deputy County Social Development Officer Titus Mulandi said that over 30, 000 older persons in the county receive a […]

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Government Intensifies campaigns to Eradicate  Aflatoxin

The Government has set aside Ksh 200 million for procurement of aflasafe -chemical to contain the spread of aflatoxin in the country.   Aflasafe chemical will be able to address the spread of aflatoxin in food crops which pose grave health risks to both humans and animals even at very low concentrations   Agriculture Cabinet secretary […]

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