KPA optimistic over Lamu Port’s regional logistical hub

Kenya Ports Authority officials have expressed optimism over the prospects of Lamu Port emerging as the regional transshipment hub following the successful shipment of cargo to Jeddah Islamic Port (JIP) from Zanzibar Port. The first milestone cargo consisting of 62 full transshipment containers destined for Jeddah Islamic Port (JIP) in Saudi Arabia was on last […]

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Lamu Port receives first commercial ship, MV Amu 1 vessel

Container vessel MV Amu 1 has made history as the first commercial ship to call at the Lamu Port since operationalisation of the first berth by President Uhuru Kenyatta two months ago. The vessel owned by Lamu Shipping Limited was laden with 62 full containers destined for transshipment for Jeddah Islamic Port (JIP) in Saudi […]

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Major infrastructural improvement to boost tourism in coast region

The commissioning of Lamu Port and construction of modern transport network is set to boost fortunes of tourism sector in coast region. According to stakeholders in the hospitality industry, the opening of the port, massive infrastructure improvement and expansion of Manda airport will position the Lamu archipelago as a destination of choice for investment and […]

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State Assures Investors Targeting Lamu Port Businesses

The National Treasury and Planning Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yatani has assured potential investors among them shipping lines and logistics companies, that the Lamu Port is open for business from May 20th this year. Speaking in at the Kililana Port site in Lamu, the Treasury chief told operators of shipping lines and logistics heads drawn from Mombasa […]

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