30-year-old Man commits suicide over domestic squabble

A 30-year-old man has committed suicide after a domestic squabble with his wife at Kemundu village in Nessuit, Njoro Sub-county. The deceased identified only as Bernard is said to have taken away his life after having a meal with his mother the previous evening. According to his mother, Sabina Rotich, his son’s wife escaped recently together […]

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Nakuru County Government distributes 500,000 Pyrethrum Seedlings

Efforts to revive the pyrethrum sector received a major boost after the County government of Nakuru distributed 500,000 seedlings to farmers in Kuresoi North Sub-County. Governor Lee Kinyanjui, called on the 18 pyrethrum growing counties in Kenya to ensure that farmers get quality and certified planting material as a way of revitalizing the sector, which […]

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Governor stresses need for improved public service delivery

The  Nakuru Governor, Lee Kinyanjui is delighted to have won Africa’s Business Friendly Governor Award, saying that it will go a long way in enforcing key initiatives that his administration has instituted. The Governor noted that small and medium enterprises play a key role in the economies of most African countries and described the recognition […]

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Stop stigmatisation of Covid-19 victims, pleads Governor

The  Nakuru County Governor, Lee Kinyanjui has warned that stigmatisation of people who have either recovered from Covid-19 or are suspected to have contracted the disease is becoming one of the major challenges in managing spread of the pandemic. Kinyanjui cited a case where three shopkeepers declined to serve a customer whose wife had been […]

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Regional Commissioner- evictions from state owned forests to continue

The  Government has launched an exercise to identify forest boundaries following persistent skirmishes linked to land ownership disputes that have rocked Nessuit, Mariashoni, Ndoswa, Kaprop and Kapnoswa areas in the Eastern Mau Forest Nakuru County that has left more than 20 people dead. The  Rift  Valley Regional Commissioner (RC), George Natembeya said Kenya Forest Service […]

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