Simmering row between Tea Saccos, Green Fedha to be resolved soon

Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives Cabinet Secretary (CS), Peter Munya, has agreed to facilitate a meeting between Tea Sacco’s in the Cooperative movement and Greenland Fedha to unlock the quagmire that has been riddling the two institutions on matters lending. Speaking Thursday on the sidelines of Cooperative Leaders meeting on the Cooperative Bill 2021, at Keekorok […]

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Munya promises to fast track new Cooperatives Bill 2021

Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives, Cabinet Secretary (CS), Peter Munya has promised to fast-track the passing of the Cooperative Bill 2021. The Bill is currently ready after undergoing public participation. “This Bill has taken long since the passing of the Constitution 2010, but now working with the leadership of the House and the House Committee-In-Charge […]

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Gov’t distributes relief food for livestock

National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) with support from the European Union has flagged off a consignment of animal feeds to pastoralists in Mandera to curb livestock deaths in the ongoing drought. The livestock feeds are to sustain the targeted animals over a period of about two weeks in a vast Mandera County. Speaking after flagging […]

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Kitui launches Sh60 million livestock carriers 

Kitui County Governor, Charity Ngilu, yesterday, launched the Kitui Livestock Carrier vehicles worth Sh.60 Million at a function held at General Motors (GM), Nairobi. She observed that the five carrier lorries will see livestock farmers and meat traders, smoothen operations in the facilitation of transport between markets and delivery of the livestock to abattoirs, including […]

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