Kenya gets Sh212 million to aid Covid vaccines cold chain capacity

The fight against Covid -19 pandemic has received a major boost after the government received Sh 212 million from Japanese government to improve the cold chain capacity for Covid-19 vaccines roll out. This grant makes Kenya one of the 11 countries in the East and Southern Africa region that received about Sh1.2billion in total from the Japanese Embassy. Ambassador of Japan […]

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Government will continue to cushion the poor and vulnerable groups

The  government  intends to dedicate at least 1 percent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from a low of 0.4 percent to the social protection sector. The  Labour and Social Protection Cabinet Secretary (CS), Ukur  Yatani said this move will ensure that the country’s level of investment is moving with other developing nations such […]

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Government secures Sh. 3.6 billion to expand water coverage

The  national  government has secured Sh. 3.6 billion from the African Development Bank (ADB) to increase water coverage across the country. Under the programme, water infrastructure at key small towns is expected to be expanded to help the country achieve 70 per cent coverage by the year 2022. The  Water and Sanitation Cabinet Secretary (CS), […]

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