Farmers in Bungoma receives Sh. 51 million to boost agriculture

The  National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NARIGP) in conjunction with Bungoma County Government has issued cheques worth Sh 51.5 million to support various micro-projects in 20 wards within the county. The 20 benefiting wards are spread across the five Sub-counties of Bumula, Sirisia, Mt. Elgon, Webuye East and Kimilili. Governor Wycliffe Wangamati, who […]

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Bungoma County to start milling its coffee by December

Coffee  farmers in Bungoma County  will now earn more for their coffee after the county government confirmed that the  Bungoma Cooperative Union Coffee Mill  and Mt. Elgon Cooperative Union  Mill would begin milling operations in December. Speaking  to KNA the Bungoma County Executive Committee member in charge of Agriculture, Livestock and Cooperatives, Mathews  Makanda  said  […]

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