Murang’a leaders and farmers object sections of Livestock Bill 2019

A  section of Murang’a leaders and farmers have told Agriculture Cabinet Secretary (CS), Mwangi Kiunjuri to amend Livestock Bill 2019 before it’s presented before Parliament. The  leaders allied to Civic Renewal Party (CRP) have faulted section of the bill that requires farmers to register all their livestock. An official with the party, James Mwangi termed […]

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Fertilizer alone will not boost production, Kiunjuri

The  Ministry  Agriculture is implementing the agricultural sector transformation and growth strategy aimed at transforming the nationwide subsidy programme. The  Agriculture Cabinet Secretary (CS), Mwangi Kiunjuri  said that fertilizer use in Kenya has gone up by 20 percent  since 2007 when the government begun the subsidy programme but the yields have remained the same and […]

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Operation of three milk cooler machines delayed by County government

Dairy  Farmers  in Kisii County are  yet  to benefit from three milk cooler machines supplied through a Tie-Aid agreement  between the Kenyan government and Republic of Poland. Farmers  now  want Kisii county Government to install electricity at a cost of Sh. 350,000, to jumpstart operation of the  machines which were delivered one year ago, and […]

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Cartels blamed for stalled reforms in Tea and Coffee sectors

Reforms in both Tea and Coffee sectors are facing strong opposition leading to escalation of woes facing hundreds of small holder farmers, the Agriculture Cabinet Secretary (CS), Mwangi Kiunjuri has said. “Cartels and directors of key export commodities are frustrating reforms that government has been fast tracking in tea and coffee subsectors,” he added. The  […]

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