Government constructs Sh.1.4 billion markets to empower traders

The  modern markets that were being constructed by the government at a cost of approximately Sh.1.4 billion within Nairobi County are complete and balloting exercise for the stalls by small scale traders has commenced. The complete markets are Mwariro in Starehe Constituency constructed at a cost of Sh.389 million, Westlands at Sh.214 million, while two […]

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Construction of solid waste management facility in Murang’a set for completion in March

A  contractor  working  on a solid waste management facility in Murang’a is under pressure to complete construction works by end of March  this  year. The  Nairobi Metropolitan Services Improvement Project (NaMSIP) which is custodian of the project wants the contractor to complete the facility known as sanitary landfill by March 31 or risk being not […]

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