Teso North clubs receive full kits from NG-CDF

Seventeen clubs participating in branch and sub-branch Football Kenya Federation (FKF) leagues in Teso North have benefitted from full kits and a ball each, courtesy of the National Government Constituency Development Fund. Busia Branch FKF Chairman, Hillary Musundi and the Secretary General Reuben Olita represented the federation in the Friday handover event at Malaba stadium […]

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Nambale releases Sh34 million bursary cheques to needy students

Nambale MP John Sakwa Bunyasi through NG-CDF dispatched bursary cheques worth Sh34 million to boost education efforts for needy students in the constituency. Presiding over the handing over of cheques to various schools from 2020 / 2021 Financial Year, Chairperson Okochill Alfred and Bunyasi Personal Assistant Samuel Wandera assured residents that all students who had applied […]

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Kagwe castigated for threatening to sack striking health workers

Kandara Member of Parliament Alice Wahome has faulted Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe for threatening to sack nurses among other health workers who are on strike. Wahome on Monday told Kagwe to listen and act on grievances raised by nurses and clinical officers instead of threatening to sack them. She said the CS should think […]

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Graveling of feeder roads provides jobs to youth in Kiharu

Hundreds of young people have been employed to gravel feeder roads within Kiharu Constituency, Murang’a County. Local NG-CDF has engaged local youth in upgrading 25 feeder roads to make them easily accessible especially during rainy seasons. Those employed are among young people who were rendered jobless by the impact of covid-19. Each of the roads […]

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