Reopening of Nginyang market in Tiaty offers hope to pastoralists

Residents of Tiaty Constituency have lauded Baringo County government for reopening Nginyang Livestock Auction Yard closed seven months ago saying the move will rejuvenate business activities and improve socio-economic conditions of the people. The famous livestock market which used to see more than 2000 animals being sold per week was closed after the government launched […]

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Passengers attacked and stripped naked on Chemoe-Yatia-Loruk road in Baringo North

Residents of Chemoe and Yatia in lower parts of Baringo North have urged the national government to beef up security along Chemoe-Yatia- Loruk road following increased cases of attacks by armed bandits. The residents led by village elder Richard Chepchomei lamented that several people especially those riding on boda bodas have suffered greatly as a […]

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