Bars owners demand dissolution of county liquor directorate

Restaurant and Bar owners in Murang’a are demanding dissolution of the county liquor directorate, saying the members’ term had expired. The business people claimed members of the directorate were in office illegally since their two-year term lapsed in 2017. The county bar owners association who on Wednesday gathered in Murang’a town raised a red flag […]

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High number of teenage pregnancies recorded in Siaya

Siaya  County registered 25,491 cases of teenage pregnancies between July 2016 and June 2017. According  to  a study conducted by office of the governor’s wife, Mrs. Rosella  Rasanga,West Sakwa ward in Bondo Sub County  registered the highest cases of teenage pregnancies at 848 followed by South East  Alego Ward (757), while  Ukwala  ward had  the […]

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Drama  at Makueni County Assembly as Members of County Assembly fight

Drama ensued at the Makueni County Assembly on Tuesday evening when some Members of County Assembly exchanged blows  following remarks made by Makueni Women Representative, Rose Museo concerning open discrimination against nominated MCAs. Trouble  started when Kasikeu Member of County Assembly, Julius Monari  Tangai (PICK) stood in the Chambers to ask  whether Museo  had authority […]

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Uasin Gishu County government urged to train boda boda riders on road safety

The  county government of Uasin Gishu has been urged to conduct road safety training for all boda boda operators in the county to help reduce increasing motor bike related accidents. In  a bid to prevail upon the county government to undertake the trainings, the Uasin Gishu county assembly has passed a motion requiring the executive […]

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County Assembly wants government to conduct periodic cancer screening

Homa Bay County Assembly wants the government to have periodic cancer screening on residents for early detection and treatment. In a motion passed by the Assembly on Wednesday, the county government was told to set aside funds for building cancer centers in Homa Bay to enable residents get easy access to treatment services. The county […]

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