Ojaamong Eulogises Late Iconic Teso Musician Obasie

Busia Governor Sospeter Ojaamong has eulogized the late iconic Iteso cultural musician Obasie Palinyang as a person who had the welfare of his people above personal interests. Speaking at the late musician’s home in Kodedema in Teso North Sub County during a funds drive to offset his burial expenses that realized over Sh800, 000, the […]

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Leaders, fans mourn renowned legendary Iteso musician

The Iteso community has been plunged into mourning following the death of renowned veteran musician Obasie Palinyang, 83, famous for propagating the Iteso culture through music. Family members led by the eldest son Charles Obasie said the legendary musician popular for his usage of the accordion musical instrument, died on Saturday morning after suffering a […]

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