200 Mokowe households to receive Sh.17 million to build toilets

About 200 households in Lamu’s Mokowe area  will benefit from a Sh.17 million collaborative project between the county government and the Water Sector Trust Fund to ensure each household has a toilet facility. The  water and sanitation projects comes as a welcome relief with less than 25 percent households in Lamu having access to a […]

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Water Company disputes Sh.3.6 million power bill as taps remain dry in Lamu

The  Lamu Water and Sanitation Company (LAWASCO) has refuted claims that they owed Kenya Power Sh.3.6 million leading to the disconnection of water to more than 30, 0000 people in Lamu for the last three weeks. The county’s main island has suffered acute water shortage for the past three weeks without any respite following an […]

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