KTDA new Board Member eying national seat

John Mithamo wa Susana has declared his intent to replace the long-serving KTDA Board Chairman, Peter Kanyago. Wa Susana said with Kanyago having been rejected by tea farmer’s right at his rural Othaya electoral area, the ground was free for him to take over the leadership. He was speaking to the media moments after he was elected unopposed […]

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Gitugi Tea Factory to start processing orthodox tea

Gitugi  Tea  Factory company Limited has invested Sh.115 million to start a line of processing orthodox tea to improve  farmers’ earnings. Speaking  on  Wednesday at Gitugi Tea  Factory in Othaya constituency, Nyeri County during a farmers’ Annual General  Meeting (AGM), the Chairman, Peter  Muchiri  Mwangi said the factory would be among the eleven factories that […]

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