Former athlete cries foul, cites negligence

Former Steeplechase Olympic Silver medalist Benjamin Kogo is not a happy man asserting that as other citizens join in Mashujaa celebrations, he has nothing to smile about. The 75-year-old retired athlete was among the first athletes to represent Kenya in Tokyo-Japan and Kingston-Jamaica in the 3000m races that brought glory to the country. “I was […]

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Government supporting over 120,000 vulnerable households in Nairobi

The  government has put 125,629 vulnerable households in Nairobi Region on social protection via cash transfer to cushion them against the adverse effects of Covid-19. The Nairobi Regional Commissioner (RC), Wilson Njega said 382,033 people have been identified and are currently receiving Sh.1000 stipends every week to help them cater for their daily subsistence. Njega  […]

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