KWS arrests suspect in elephant butchering video

The  Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS) has identified one of the suspects captured on camera butchering an elephant at Imenti Forest in Meru County, in a video that went viral last month. The  KWS Assistant Director (AD) in charge of Eastern Conservation Area, Michael Wanjau  speaking in Nanyuki said that Kenneth Mbaabu Muthaura  was positively identified […]

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Man sentenced to five years for possession of ivory

A  Court in Voi  town on Monday sentenced a middle-aged man to five years in prison after finding him guilty of being in possession of two pieces of ivory weighing 13.7 kg contrary to section 95 of the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act, 2013. The  Kenya  Wildlife  Service (KWS) officers arrested the suspect, Clinton  Warunga […]

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