Gunshots as EACC officials arrest five police officers suspected to be taking bribes

A  police officer was on Wednesday injured by a gunshot while another suffered a broken leg during a sting operation by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission to nab traffic policemen suspected of soliciting bribes from motorists along Kisumu roads. The  bullet, according to Nyanza Regional Police Commander (RPC), Dr. Vincent Makhokha accidently hit the woman […]

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Police officers warned against defiling minors

The  National  statistics  show  that  Homa Bay County is in the second position in teenage pregnancies with 38 per cent  after  Narok County. Consequently, Homa  Bay government has raised a red flag on increased teen pregnancies and announced legal measures on police officers who were ‘responsible for the bad habit’. During  the County Educational Day […]

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