KARLO officials visit poultry farmers in Migori

Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) officials have visited Migori farmers in Nyatike Sub County to evaluate how the upscaling KALRO improved indigenous chicken project was being implemented. In May 2020, KALRO with the support of the Kenyan Government and European Union funded to the tune of Sh6.8m Blue Cross Nyakite, a Non-governmental organisation, to upscale KALRO improved indigenous chicken […]

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Poultry farmers decry influx of imported eggs and high cost of feeds

When Kagaa women group from Maragua Sub-county received a grant of Sh. 499,000 from the National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NAGRIP) to set up a poultry enterprise, they foresaw a bright future and a change in their fortunes. Two years later, the dream of the Group has not been realized as the market is […]

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Sh6 million milk cooler for farmers in Kirinyaga

Members of the Poultry, Dairy and Goats Cooperative Society (PODAGO) in Kirinyaga have received a Sh6 million milk cooler from   the county government. The sacco,  based at Kagumo  in Kerugoya Central sub county and  whose  membership  comprises  of  small scale farmers started off with a daily milk collection of only  25 litres in 2005   by […]

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