Plans are under way to establish regional planning offices

The  National  Government has rolled out the establishment of Regional and County Planning  offices to coordinate development activities in the counties. The  Public Service Commission (PSC) in July this year approved deployment of 47 Directors of  Planning at the Counties. However, due to budgetary constraints, the State Department for Planning  will initially  establish eight Regional […]

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Construction of Sh.170 million new Mama Ngina School on course

The  construction of  new Mama Ngina Girls Secondary School in Mombasa County at a cost of Sh.170 million is progressing well. Construction  works  for the prestigious national school whose work started in October last year is set for completion in October this year. This  will pave way for the relocation of the Old School in […]

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Tharaka Nithi’s soars infrastructural development

Tharaka Nithi is a relatively small county having been carved out of the then larger Meru district after the promulgation of the constitution 2010. When Kenya attained independence way back in 1963 Meru was one of the six districts in the Eastern province. During Moi era, Meru was subdivided into three districts namely Nyambene, Meru […]

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Two contractors risk losing deals

Two  contractors undertaking government projects in Kisii County risk losing their deals over alleged perpetual noncompliance leading to stagnation of construction works. While the County Development Implementation and Coordination Committee (CDICC) has sought the indulgence of the   formerRegional DICC to unlock the stalemate bedeviling construction of Suneka Airstrip by Vinbel International Limited, Kenya Urban Roads  […]

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RC calls for diligence from project monitoring civil servants

Civil  Servants  involved in the monitoring and evaluation of development projects in Counties have been asked to exercise patriotism, thoroughness and commitment in their work, and reject any shoddy work done by contractors. The  Eastern Regional Coordinator (RC), Isaiah Nakoru said the government was channeling a lot of monies to the grassroots for development and […]

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