Manufacturing own feeds keep poultry farmers in business

A  group of poultry farmers in Thika, Kiambu County have managed to stay afloat during this difficult Covid-19 period by manufacturing their own chicken feeds to reduce the cost of production. The over 700 farmers, members of the Kiambu Poultry Farmers’ Cooperative Society get feeds and chicks at low prices to run their investments. They […]

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Teachers’ SACCO to receive Sh.500m from the county government

The  Trans  Elite County  Teacher’s Savings and Credit Cooperative Society in Nandi County is set to benefit from a Sh.500 million boost to its kitty by the county government. Addressing delegates at St. Peter’s Catholic hall on Monday, during the 33rd Annual Delegates Meeting (ADM), the SACCO Chairman,  Alfred  Ngetuny  welcomed the move and said  […]

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