Construction of an ultra-modern market in Kangari to start in two weeks’ time

Construction of an ultra-modern market at Kangari Trading Centre in Murang’a is expected to start in two weeks’ time. The  six-storey building was expected to support packaging of vegetables and horticulture produce for export. The National government has released Sh.210 million to support construction of the market whose total cost is Sh.340 million. The  Kigumo […]

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Matatu operators urged to observe measures set to contain spread of covid-19

Matatu  operators in Murang’a County were put on toes to ensure they sanitise passengers using their vehicles. On  Wednesday, a team of security officers led by the County Police Commander, Josphat  Kinyua conducted an impromptu inspection at local matatu terminus to ensure laid down directives towards containing spread of coronavirus are adhered to. Every matatu […]

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Traders warned against hoarding essential goods

The government on Tuesday issued a stern warning to traders in Marsabit County against any attempt to hoard essential goods in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. The  Marsabit County Commissioner (CC), Evans  Achoki  also announced enhanced enforcement of the Public Health Act in a bid to improve on hygiene and sanitation as an effective […]

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