Makueni reports decline in sexual and GBV cases

The  number of sexual and Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases in Makueni County has declined drastically since the onset of Covid-19. Area  Deputy governor (DG), Adelina Mwau said the county recorded a monthly average of 22 cases of GBV since January, compared to 40 similar incidents reported last year in the same period. The  DG  […]

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Concern over increased cases of gays in Juja Sub County

The  Juja Deputy County Commissioner (DCC), Charles  Mureithi has put on notice those practicing homosexuality in Darasha area, about 10 kilometres East of Juja town, saying the act will not be condoned in his area. He  said they are investigating claims of increase in homosexuals warning they will not allow a few people to paint […]

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