Baby’s cries disrupts court process, leading to mother’s release

Cries of a toddler  on Monday disrupted a Kiambu Court proceeding immediately it’s mother was arraigned for selling alcohol over the weekend in Banana location of Kiambaa sub-county. The  one-and-a-half-year-old girl appeared to have been disturbed by the unfamiliar faces in the courtroom and as the mother took to the dock, the baby cried uncontrollably […]

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Court denies three bail for aiding terror suspects

A  Garissa  Court  has denied bail to three Kenyans whom the police belief provided the Al-Shabaab militants with information and aided them during the January 12, Kamuthe trading centre attack that left three non-local teachers dead. Adan Saman, Haret Dubow and Keynan Aden Maulid were on Tuesday arraigned before Garissa Senior Resident Magistrate (SRM), Timothy […]

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Five women in court for abetting FGM

Five  women  appeared before Kapenguria Senior Resident Magistrate (SRM) court on Tuesday accused of aiding and abetting female genital mutilation to 3 girls. Lodou Lidakong, Chepleke Longolekong and Chemondet Chukatum  were charged that on the 10th October 2019 at Konyerus sub location within West Pokot County, jointly with others not before the court, they procured […]

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Use office of the Ombudsperson in filling complaints residents told

Residents of Homa Bay County have been urged to use the Office of the Judiciary’s Ombudsperson (OJO) in filling their complaints against the employees of the judiciary. Speaking on Monday at the High Court Homa Bay while sensitizing members of the public on the role of OJO, the  Senior Resident Magistrate (SRM), Habert  Mwendwa  said […]

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Man to serve 11 years imprisonment for illegal possession of game meat

A  man  who was found with 200 kilograms of Zebra meat last month was  on Tuesday sentenced by a Nyahururu Court to pay a Sh.2.2 million fine or serve 11 years in prison in default. Joseph Maina Irungu, aged 23 years, had pleaded guilty to three counts when he appeared before Senior Resident Magistrate (SRM), […]

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