Investigations launched over peace threatening leaflets in Marsabit town

Marsabit  town  residents  on Wednesday  woke up to peace threatening leaflets that dotted streets and roads throwing local security agencies into a spin. The  leaflets that also threatened attacks on two police posts at Jaldesa and Kubi-Qallo areas heightened investigations into financiers and perpetrators of ethnic clashes. The  Marsabit  County Commissioner (CC), Evans  Achoki  who […]

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County leadership commend government for improved security in Moyale

The  Marsabit  County leaders  have hailed the government for improving  on  security in Moyale sub-county which has led to accelerated development. Governor  Mohamud  Ali  noted that Moyale town which previously experienced unrests was now a haven of peace and urged security agencies  not  to relent on the fight against crime. Speaking at Butiye when he […]

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Former presidential aspirant remanded for alleged trafficking in narcotics

A  Marsabit  Court on Friday  ordered a former presidential candidate to be remanded for seven days pending bail consideration  after he denied a charge of trafficking in narcotic drugs. The  Diligence Development Alliance (DDA) Party  leader, Jaffer  Isaak  Sora denied before Senior Resident Magistrate, Tom  Wafula  of  trafficking in bhang contrary to the Narcotic Drugs […]

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