Gov’t committed to end perennial floods in Athi River

The government is committed to putting an end to the perennial stormy water floods normally experienced in Gimu and Lukenya areas of Athi river area, Mavoko Sub-county of Machakos. This follows numerous complaints from the area residents’ association leaders led by Athi Highway Estate Association leader Mr. Joshua Muthoka who have on several occasions written […]

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Kenya Forest Service plans to plant 280,000 seedlings

Kenya Forest Service plans to plant about 280,000 seedlings in Tana River during the coming long rain season to increase forest cover. Speaking to the press on Tuesday at Hola office, County Eco-System Conservator Jafar Galole said a total of 160,000 seedlings will be mangroves and remaining 120,000 were from other types of tree species. […]

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MCAs now turn heat on KenGen over floods, want body to take responsibility

Two  Garissa MCAs have now turned the heat on the Kenya Energy Generating Company (KenGen) for allegedly causing massive flooding downstream River Tana. Addressing  the press outside the County Assembly Chambers on Wednesday, Daud Aden (Danyere) and Abdirizak Ismail (Galbet) said although the floods are attributed to the heavy rains pounding several parts of the […]

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A man died after his canoe overturned while crossing river Tana

A  man  who  was crossing the overflowing River Tana drowned after his Canoe overturned on Wednesday at about 6.00pm at Itsowe village in Tana Delta Sub County. Confirming the incident to the press today, Tana Delta Sub County Deputy Police Commander (SCDPC), Titus  Munyoki  said, the 36 year old man by the name, Abaye Arasto […]

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