Association of people living with Albinism distribute tree seedlings to churches in Narok

The  Green  World  Keepers, a Non-Governmental Organization founded by people living with albinism has planted over one million trees in 17 counties in the country. Speaking when they distributed seedlings to churches in Narok on Sunday, the Green World Keepers  founder; Angeline  Kitte said they have been going round the country distributing trees seedlings in […]

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Residents to benefit from an earth dam

Residents of Kavaari area, Mbeere North Sub County are soon to benefit with a Sh3.2 million Kavaari earth dam. While reporting to County Development Implementation Coordination Committee (CDICC), Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project Coordinator (UTaNRMP), Ms. Agnes  Muchira said Upper Tana has already pumped Sh 2.7 million for the earth dam. Ms. Muchira said […]

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Governor wants irrigation projects handed over to county government

The  Tana  River Governor, Dhadho Gaddae Godhana has asked the national government to hand over all irrigation projects in the  county to his government. He claimed that the four major irrigation projects under the National Irrigation Board (NIB) and the Tana and Athi Rivers  Development Authority (TARDA) had flopped and would only get a lease […]

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