Naivasha Depot to boost regional competitiveness

The full operationalization of the Naivasha Container Inland Depot is expected to boost and promote economic potential and business competitiveness within the larger Eastern Africa member states. Speaking at the site, East African Community PS, Dr. Kevit Desai, said the inland depot holds a huge potential in promoting interconnectivity and shared infrastructure within the member […]

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Kenya, Uganda foster bilateral trade

Kenya and Uganda have resolved to forge a common ground as part of deliberate efforts to end persistent bottlenecks that affect smooth flow of bilateral trade. Trade and Industrialization Ministers from the two countries have identified several non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) that have continued to create unnecessary friction. Speaking during the official opening of Kenya Uganda […]

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Concern over proliferation of counterfeit goods

Kenya’s  manufacturing sector is losing over Sh.800 billion annually from purchase of counterfeits and other illicit forms of trade. The  Trade, Industry and Enterprise Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS), Lawrence Karanja is concerned that corrupt and greedy business operatives are taking advantage of the Covid-19 pandemic to flood the country with low quality masks, sanitisers, and […]

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US elevates trade status with Kenya

Kenya is negotiating with 44 African states for a new Free Trade Area for its agricultural and industrial products targeting a market of 1 billion people, the Trade, Industrialization and Cooperatives Cabinet  Secretary (CS), Peter  Munya has revealed. Munya  said he was optimistic that all the target countries will assent to the Free Trade Area […]

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Laikipia trains entrepreneurs, farmers on modern businesses techniques

The  departments of Trade and  Agriculture in Laikipia County have embarked on training local entrepreneurs and farmers on enterprise development in a bid to assist them find better markets for their products. The  week-long training conducted in Nanyuki town attracted 40 local innovators, farmers and agriculture officials and they were taught on diverse business concepts […]

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