Bidco Africa group unveil strategy to commercialize oil crop farming in Nakuru

The  County Government of Nakuru and Bidco Africa Group have rolled out a joint venture to promote adoption of commercial farming of oil crops among small holder growers within the devolved unit. The County Executive Committee Member for Agriculture, Dr. Immaculate Njuthe Maina said although oil crops are drought resistant and adaptable to many ecological […]

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US elevates trade status with Kenya

Kenya is negotiating with 44 African states for a new Free Trade Area for its agricultural and industrial products targeting a market of 1 billion people, the Trade, Industrialization and Cooperatives Cabinet  Secretary (CS), Peter  Munya has revealed. Munya  said he was optimistic that all the target countries will assent to the Free Trade Area […]

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Hope as Senate vows to amend bad laws stifling business in counties

The Senate will enact new laws to help facilitate the ease of doing business in all the 47 counties and the country at large, Speaker Kenneth Lusaka  has said. Lusaka said the Senate recognizes there are concerns, issues and practices that stand out as pertinent that need to be audited and addressed through repealing repugnant […]

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