Simmering row between Tea Saccos, Green Fedha to be resolved soon

Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives Cabinet Secretary (CS), Peter Munya, has agreed to facilitate a meeting between Tea Sacco’s in the Cooperative movement and Greenland Fedha to unlock the quagmire that has been riddling the two institutions on matters lending. Speaking Thursday on the sidelines of Cooperative Leaders meeting on the Cooperative Bill 2021, at Keekorok […]

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Munya promises to fast track new Cooperatives Bill 2021

Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives, Cabinet Secretary (CS), Peter Munya has promised to fast-track the passing of the Cooperative Bill 2021. The Bill is currently ready after undergoing public participation. “This Bill has taken long since the passing of the Constitution 2010, but now working with the leadership of the House and the House Committee-In-Charge […]

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African Union urged to develop common Food Policy

Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA), a network of 36 civil society actors, representing smallholder farmers and pastoralists, has urged the African Union to endorse the initiative to develop an Africa Food Policy that guarantees the urgent and pressing need for Africa to feed itself. According to the AFSA members, Africa is currently importing […]

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Government committed to fight human trafficking

The COVID 19 pandemic has increased the number of people at risk of human trafficking as traffickers took advantage of the social and economic crisis created by the global outbreak. Speaking as the world commemorated the world day against trafficking persons, Labour and Social protection Cabinet Secretary Simon Chelugui said most resources and efforts have been directed […]

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