Family pays glowing tributes to Mau Mau veteran at burial

He risked his life to provide food and supplies to the Mau Mau fighters and was imprisoned several times for his role in supporting the independence struggle. In 1952, when he was living in Muranga, Jeremiah Mucheru, who was buried at his Wanyororo Farm within Bahati Sub-County in Nakuru on Thursday, joined Mau-Mau freedom fighters’ […]

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CS Kindiki urges for people-friendly security operations in Northern Kenya

Interior and National Administration Cabinet Secretary Prof. Kithure Kindiki has urged Northern Kenya security forces to be friendly to local communities for support and information, potentially leading to the enemy defeat. Speaking in Garissa during the commissioning of the newly created Shanta Abaq sub county, Prof. Kindiki said that there is need to make the […]

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Government assures Kenyans of the safety of the E-Citizen portal

The Principal Secretary for the State Department of Information, Communications Technology (ICT) and Digital Economy Eng. John Kipchumba Tanui has affirmed that the government is in full control of the E- Citizen platform dismissing recent allegations that the system is privately run.                                                                                                                                                      He said the system, which has been in development since 2013 and has […]

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Hustler fund turns one, disburses Sh.49 billion shillings

The government’s initiative to provide cheap loans through the Hustler Fund has turned one year old with at least Ksh.49 billion disbursed loans to a population and 19 million active borrowers. Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) Cabinet Secretary (CS) Simon Chelugui, said that the country will be celebrating one year of the successful use […]

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Hungarian university to collaborate with Kenya in boosting technical skills

A leading Hungarian university is poised to jointly work with two technical-orientated universities to develop and strengthen the skills of trainers in 13 National Polytechnics in the country. Óbuda University will work with the Technical University of Kenya (TUK) and Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT) in a technology and skills transfer that will benefit […]

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