Researchers determined to discover underground aquifers in ASAL areas

The government has mapped five Arid and Semi-Arid Land (ASAL) counties in the country to survey the location of aquifers.  Mr. Julius Korir, Principal Secretary, State Department for Water and Sanitation, said the initiative is still ongoing in Marsabit and 17 other counties in the Athi and Tana Basins, an exercise he noted will enable […]

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Nakuru: Sh3 million borehole project to benefit Marioshoni residents

Nakuru County has started drilling a borehole at Ndoswa area in Marioshoni Ward of Molo at a cost of Sh3 million to provide clean and safe water for more than 2,000 residents.  The development is intended to eradicate the challenges faced by residents who often travel long distances to fetch clean water for domestic use […]

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Sh4M World Bank Water Fund programme benefit residents through modern toilets 

200 residents from Kangema Sub County under the Murang’a West Water and Sanitation company have benefited from a World Bank project through the water fund which has overseen the construction of 200 modern toilets in the area. The Sh4M worthy project will provide a significant improvement in sanitation and hygiene levels in Kangema, Gakira and […]

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Kwale launches solar powered water schemes to end perennial scarcity

Kwale county government has launched solar powered water schemes in rural areas to enable residents’ access clean potable water for domestic and agricultural use through irrigation. Governor Fatuma Achani says the solar powered water projects will increase access to safe drinking water, improve hygiene and basic sanitation across the coastal county. The Governor said the solar […]

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Villages benefit from water tanks

Residents from 25 villages in Turkana Central and Kibish Sub Counties have established Water Tank Management Committees (WTMCs) to oversee the newly donated 10,000-liter water tanks. These committees, which signed an agreement with VSF Germany, will oversee the maintenance, usage, and eventual ownership of the tanks. Supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) through […]

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