EAC local authority leaders meet in Nairobi

Principal Secretary, State Department for Devolution, Teresia Mbaika, makes a presentation at the Kenya School Government on April 23, 2024, during the ongoing workshop for the East African Local governments, which included Permanent Secretaries and Representatives of National  Governments umbrella bodies and Local Governments Associations. Among the agenda items highlighted were the deepening of democracy […]

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Nairobi hosts EAC local authority leaders

Cabinet Secretary for East African Community, ASALs, and Regional Development, Penina Malonza (l), consults at Kenya School of Government with the Nairobi Deputy Governor, James Muchiri (r), and the Head of Policy and Research in the State Department of Devolution, who is also the Coordinator, East African Local Government Forum, Mourice Ogola, on April 22, […]

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Irish Ambassador visits West Pokot

Irish Ambassador to Kenya Caitríona Ingolsby being adorned in traditional Pokot women’s regalia at the Governor’s residence during her two-day visit to West Pokot County on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. The consulate held public engagements with county government, political leaders, and community members on matters of peacebuilding and community development. By Richard Muhambe

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Development partners support Turkana, Marsabit on food security

The Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), and the Counties of Marsabit and Turkana have signed an agreement to sustainably improve the livelihoods, food security, and nutrition of communities living along the shores of Lake Turkana. The agreement was signed in […]

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