Man found murdered


A 40-year-old man was Wednesday found murdered and his body dumped in a trench at Basambra area along the road leading to Majengo in Narok town.
Confirming the incident, Narok County Police Commander Mr. Thomas Ngeiwa said the body of the deceased who is yet to be identified had deep panga cuts and wounds inflicted by a blunt object. He said the man might have been murdered elsewhere and the body moved to the scene.
The body has been moved to Narok Referral Hospital mortuary pending postmortem and further investigations into the incident.
Police are calling on anyone who might have a missing relative to come forth and help in investigations and identification of the body.
There has been an increase in cases of murder and other violent crimes in the county and the country. In 2018 alone, over 30 murder cases were reported in Narok County, some of them from domestic violence.
According to a police crime report released in 2018, murder was still one of leading crimes committed in Kenya every year second only to carjacking and puts Kenya at position 10 on the list of countries with the highest crime rates in the world.
By Mabel Keya – Shikuku/Beatrice Soila

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