Longisa Referral Hospital faces acute water shortage

An acute water shortage has hit Bomet County Referral Hospital, Longisa, forcing caregivers to collect water with containers from nearby streams. The water crisis which has persisted for the last two weeks has been occasioned by unpaid electricity bill from the County Government. Worst hit sections by the crisis are the hospital Kitchen, maternity wing, […]

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Maralal residents trek long distances to get water

Residents of Loosuk village in Samburu west Sub-County have been facing acute water shortage for more than three months after three boreholes in the area became non-operational due to poor management. The residents and their livestock who depended on Lching’ei, Lorian and Loosuk boreholes for clean water are now forced to walk for more than […]

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Residents face an acute water shortage

An  acute water shortage has hit several villages in  Eburru/Mbaruk ward in Gilgil Constituency after the main water dam supplying the commodity burst its banks. Residents are now accusing a contractor who was recently hired by Nakuru county government to carry out rehabilitation works of deliberately destroying the dam. Thome  Dam  that was serving Morgan, […]

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