Kenya-Ethiopia authorities vow to end cross border tribal clashes  

Following renewed inter-clan clashes along Kenya -Ethiopia border, security agencies from both countries have early this week organized a peace meeting with the warring clans to discuss on a long term solutions to security crisis in the area. The fresh skirmishes between Garre and Degodia clans broke out last week in Guba area Mandera North, […]

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Warring Mandera clan elders hold peace parley to ease tension

The  Mandera Governor, Ali Roba has asked the Garre and Murule clans to coexist harmoniously and  desist from perennial clashes that have seen loss of lives and displacement of persons. In  a press statement, Roba asked the feuding clans to immediately put arms down to allow  dialogue to take place. Roba  asked the community elders […]

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Mandera hospital puts a Covid-19 suspected case in isolation

The  Mandera county hospital is closely monitoring a patient who travelled from Nairobi, and whose temperature was 39 degrees on arrival but with no other Covid-19 symptoms. The male patient flew to Mandera on Monday and is now in an isolation ward and test samples have already been sent to Nairobi for analysis. The  County […]

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Special duty allowance for health workers Mandera to curb covid-19

The  Mandera county government has introduced a special duty allowance for Doctors and Nurses dealing with screening of Covid-19 virus. Area  governor, Ali  Roba  speaking to the press in Mandera town on Monday said his administration will pay a motivational allowance to the concerned health workers. At the same time, Roba has ordered residents to […]

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Mandera leaders demand for census review

Leaders  in Mandera County have threatened to challenge in court, results of the recent 2019 national population and housing census. Members of the county assembly (MCA) have said the results had been manipulated to suit certain individual interests at the expense of local residents. According  to the census results released last Monday, Mandera county had […]

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