Construction of 125 CBC classrooms commences in Narok

The construction of 125 classrooms in Narok County under the first phase of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) infrastructure development programme has begun. Speaking during the groundbreaking event at Eor Ekule Secondary school in Narok East Sub County,  Narok County Commissioner Evans Achoki reminded the contractors that they had up to April 2023 to complete the […]

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Sh589 million Project to benefit over 60, 000 Trans Mara residents

Over 60, 000 residents of Kilgoris and Lolgorian towns in Trans Mara West and Trans Mara South Sub- counties are set to benefit from a mega water project initiated by the National Government at a cost of Sh589 million. The Project’s Resident Engineer, Paul Nyaga, told Rift Valley Regional Commissioner (RC), George Natembeya that the […]

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843 Narok ECDE Teachers Confirmed to Permanent Basis Employment

The County Government of Narok has confirmed 843 Early Childhood Development (ECDE) teachers on a permanent and pensionable basis. The teachers had been employed on a three year-contract that would be renewed based on their individual performance. Narok Governor, Samuel Ole Tunai, who spoke during the Education forum held at William Ole Ntimama stadium, said […]

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State directs contractors in Narok to hand over projects by April 2022

The State has directed all project managers contracted by the government to do development projects to complete their work by April 2022 failure to which, a legal action will be taken against them. Speaking when he toured Narok County to inspect development projects Thursday, Rift Valley Regional Commissioner George Natembeya said all projects should be […]

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