Joy as two new dispensaries open doors for residents

A month after Kirinyaga Governor, Anne Waiguru, opened two new dispensaries, residents of Kiamwathi and Kianjiru in Gichugu Constituencies, have been enjoying affordable healthcare right at their doorsteps. Within that short time, the two dispensaries have already served hundreds of people who would previously travelled for kilometers in search of medical care. Kiamwathi and Kianjiru […]

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Kirinyaga County Offers Farmers Avocado Seedlings 

Farmers in Kirinyaga County are set to benefit from over 60,000 avocado seedlings to be distributed to at least 30 farmer’s groups during this season. The seedlings were developed under the County Government initiative through the first round of the National Agricultural Rural Inclusive Growth Program (NARIGP), to establish avocado seedlings nurseries. The Kirinyaga County […]

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Governor Waiguru disburses Sh32 million bursary to needy students

Kirinyaga Governor, Anne Waiguru, on Tuesday disbursed Sh32.8 million as bursaries to assist some of the county’s needy students in secondary schools, colleges, and universities. The beneficiaries include 7,867 secondary school students, 1,514 college students and 1,195 university students. While issuing the bursary cheques to the beneficiaries at her official residence, Waiguru said the funds […]

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I was right on the BBI, Governor Waiguru

Kirinyaga Governor, Anne Waiguru, says she was excited to see Legislators overwhelmingly pass the BBI Bill last week. Waiguru said it was amusing to see even those Members of Parliament (MPs) who were opposed to the document come to their true senses and vote yes. The Governor said she had been described as a lone ranger when she single handedly […]

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