West Pokot re-employs 53 nurses that were under UHC programme 

West Pokot Governor John Lonyangapuo has directed 53 intern nurses, whose one-year contract with the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) expired in February 2021 be re-employed for another one year on contract, starting July 1, 2021. He at the same time said that the nurses should pick their employment contracts letters from the West Pokot county public service […]

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200 disabled children in West Pokot get treatment   

Over 200 disabled children in West Pokot have benefitted from free medical services from a team of doctors and medical specialists from the African Inland Church (A.I.C) Cure International. The team of doctors camped at Kapenguria Referral Hospital for a day and their main target was only those children who are physically challenged. The medics […]

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West Pokot dairy farmers get water tank from government

Ketik Somok Dairy Farmers Self-Help Group in Siyoi Ward within West Pokot have benefited from Sh950,000 government grant for construction of a water storage tank that will help improve their dairy farming, boost food security, create employment and access safe drinking water. The Ketik Somok Dairy Farmers’ Self-Help Group project received a grant of Sh950, 000 […]

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West Pokot farmer draws fortune from Sukuma wiki

Though West Pokot County has tremendous potential to produce Sukuma wiki (kales) vegetables, many local residents still import from other counties due to lack of sufficient supply. However, this is changing as farmers have now switched from livestock and maize farming to high-paying Sukuma wiki farming in the region. Donald Barasa, a Sukuma wiki vegetable […]

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