Search for Water Causes Sleepless Nights

Residents  of  Mwiriene village in Akirang’ondu ward in Igembe Central sub-county are up in arms for lack of water and have threatened to demonstrate against their elected leader over  negligence. The  search for water, a scarce commodity in Mwiriene village, has triggered residents wrath, who accuse their area Member of County Assembly (MCA), Richard Gitari […]

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Farmers receive water pumps to enhance food productivity

Farmers  groups in East  Yimbo ward in Bondo Sub County have received water pumps and irrigation pipes worth Sh. 3 million to boost food productivity in the region. The farm implements were issued to 19 farmer groups courtesy of Siaya county government ward development fund 2018/19 financial year. Speaking in the ward during the distribution […]

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Services paralyzed after Tuwan bridge collapse

Administrative and social services have been paralysed for Tuwan residents in Trans-Nzoia West Sub county after Mrefu Foot Bridge connecting Tuwan location and Mitume collapsed following heavy rains. According to a resident, Beatrice Atee, accessing services such as the Chief’s office and health services have become difficult. “We have to use a 2km route so […]

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Trouble brewing in Yala Swamp as villagers accuse tycoons of grabbing their farms

A  clash between villagers and tycoons is looming in Yala Swamp, as the locals accuse the later of displacing them from their farms. Following a disquiet in the area, peasant farmers from the area trekked to Siaya town Monday to seek audience with the area Deputy County Commissioner (DCC). According to the residents, tycoons from […]

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29 families evacuated amidst fear of landslide

At  least 29 families consisting 150 people have been evacuated from Nyamworoba village, Sensi Ward in Kisii County following looming signs of land slide in the area. The  residents in the affected 1 square km area have been moved to the nearby Nyamworoba Primary and Secondary Schools in the exercise witnessed  by the  Kisii County […]

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