Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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Services paralyzed after Tuwan bridge collapse

The Tuwan Ward MCA, Bernard Wambua, addressing the issue about the collapsed bridge during an interview with the media. Photo by KNA.

Administrative and social services have been paralysed for Tuwan residents in Trans-Nzoia West Sub county after Mrefu Foot Bridge connecting Tuwan location and Mitume collapsed following heavy rains.

According to a resident, Beatrice Atee, accessing services such as the Chief’s office and health services have become difficult.

“We have to use a 2km route so as to report cases to the chief and even accessing the hospital,” she said, adding that the incidence would pose as a great risk of crime

The  Trans Nzoia County Red Cross Coordinator, Ruth Miningwo stated that frequent washing of hands with soap is a key guideline during this pandemic season and that residents of Tuwan now have to buy water or walk for 2 km to access water points.

“Water is key during this pandemic season and we are appealing for safe drinking water and food for the two locations so as to help during this time,” she said.

Speaking to KNA, area Member of the County Assembly (MCA), Bernard Wambua said that residents were now facing difficulties to access basic facilities.

“We are asking both the County Government and National Government to take action and help construct another bridge,” he said.

He added that the bridge borders two locations of Tuwan and Mitume and that it also serves school children traversing eight schools within the area.

Heavy rains being experienced countrywide have caused havoc with more than 200 residents of Namanjalala being displaced.

By  Ngeywa Mosobin

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