Sunday, February 16, 2025
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Covid-19 community awareness creation

The  Australian owned mining company Base Titanium has launched a strong community awareness campaign in Kwale County against the new coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic that has overwhelmed the world.

The mining firm has launched the campaign in collaboration with the county’s department of health, the  Kenya Red Cross society and civil society groups to educate residents on key measures to help stop the spread of covid-19.

The  Base Titanium Community Relations Manager, Pius  Kassim  said in Msambweni sub-county that the sensitization programme was extended to more than 1, 080 households where 1, 300 people were reached.

Kassim said a further 124 boda boda riders were also taught on proper sanitation methods with 30 market vendors, fishmongers and other food vendors being informed on how to properly handle their produce in a hygienic manner.

He also said Base has also been able to distribute 400 litres of liquid soap and 280 litres of hand sanitizers to households and informal groups across 22 villages in Msambweni.

“We have also been able to teach the community on how to make their own soap from locally available materials,” said Kassim.

“Our campaign basically offers background information on the disease, clinical symptoms, transmission and preventive measures,” he said on Thursday and called on the residents to practice the safety measures approved by the county and national governments.

Kassim said Base Titanium has also begun trucking water across five villages neighbouring the Kwale mine site to address basic water needs and ensure constant supply of water during this time of fighting the spread of covid-19.

He said the villages; Mwaloya, Barcelona, Vumbu, Fingirika and Nguluku would receive daily clean and safe water supply from Base trucks as a basic necessity for both domestic and animal use.

By  Hussein Abdullahi

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