Centre managers and security personnel forced to trek 5 Km to deliver papers in Marigat

As  Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations entered its second day, delivery of papers to examination centre in Baringo country went on smoothly despite transportation hitches in some areas. In  Marigat Sub County, centre managers and security personnel had to trek 5 kilometres to reach Sampaka primary school centre in Mochongoi after heavy rains […]

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Examinations airlifted to schools in Turkana North sub county

Education  officers  and a team supervising the national examination were forced to airlift examination to an examination  centre at Nachukui, Turkana North Sub County due to floods. The County Director of Education (CDE), Peter  Magiri confirmed that the flooding of  Nariokotome  river  caused transportation challenges. “We had to use a chopper to fly the exams […]

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408 KCPE candidates in Kilifi evacuated due to floods

Some  408 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) candidates in 15 schools in Kilifi County have been evacuated to other centres following floods that affected their schools. The  Kilifi County Director of Education (CDE), Eunice Khaemba said the 10 schools in Ganze and five in Kauma had become inaccessible due to heavy rains and flash […]

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We shall not bend rules; CDE tells students and parents

The  Migori County Director of Education (CDE), Elizabeth Otieno has warned that the government will not allow schools to compromise rules and regulations while handling reported cases of early pregnancies. Speaking to the press in her office, the CDE said the ministry is there to implement policies and will not allow some parents and section […]

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Stray jumbos disrupt learning in Kajiado

The  Kenya  Wildlife  Service (KWS) has been urged to find a lasting solution to the perennial human-wildlife conflict in Kajiado County. The  County Director of Education (CDE), Luka Kangongo noted that frequent attacks by elephants in remote areas have often resulted in schools being closed to ensure the safety of the learners and teachers and […]

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