Simmering row between Tea Saccos, Green Fedha to be resolved soon

Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives Cabinet Secretary (CS), Peter Munya, has agreed to facilitate a meeting between Tea Sacco’s in the Cooperative movement and Greenland Fedha to unlock the quagmire that has been riddling the two institutions on matters lending. Speaking Thursday on the sidelines of Cooperative Leaders meeting on the Cooperative Bill 2021, at Keekorok […]

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Equity and Safaricom sign agreement to transform the lives of Kenyans

Equity  and  Safaricom on Tuesday announced plans to create a joint transformation agenda to enable more Kenyans  to  access critical services using an innovative combination of technology and finance. The  two  companies hope to build more inclusive financial products, explore  regional synergies, simplify cash delivery between  their  agents and  share  technical knowledge to build a […]

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Kala-azar outbreak leaves 27 hospitalized in Laisamis sub-county

Some  27 people have been admitted at Laisamis Level 4 Hospital following an outbreak of Kala-azar in Laisamis Sub County in Marsabit. The  facility’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Abshiro Hapicha however, said the patients, were responding well to treatment. A majority of the patients, he added are from Logo logo location. “A total of 27 […]

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Nut processors moot law to streamline macadamia sector

The  Nuts processors are in the process of drafting a law to streamline farming, harvesting and marketing of macadamia nuts. The  Nut  Processors Association of Kenya currently is conducting public participation to get public opinion of the proposed law before it’s sent to Parliament. Backed by Agriculture Food Authority (AFA), the processors have claimed that […]

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