Government assures tea farmers of payment despite minor hitches

The Government will continue to withdraw tea from the Auction if the prices  do not reflect the minimum set prices, Agriculture Cabinet Secretary (CS), Peter Munya, has said. Munya said that the Ministry is working together with the Kenya Tea Development Authority (KTDA), to ensure that there is enough storage space for tea that will […]

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Containment measures reduced matatu earnings by 70 per cent

Matatu  owners from the Central region have recorded a 70 per cent drop in earnings since Covid-19 pandemic struck the country, their Chairman, Micah Kariuki has said. Through their umbrella the Mt. Kenya Matatu Owners Association, they said the drop was largely due to the government’s rules of reducing the number of passengers per vehicle […]

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Sacco protests alleged favoritism at bus terminal

A  Matatu Sacco plying the Kitui-Machakos-Nairobi route is now calling upon Machakos Governor, Dr. Alfred Mutua to intervene in what it alleges is harassment by County Inspectorate Officers over parking space. Through their Chairman, Gerald Lamba, Nakisa Sacco is also protesting a move by the county administrators that saw the operator expelled from the Machakos […]

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Bar owners appeal for reduction on Covid-19 test fee

Members of Bar and restaurant owners’ association in Murang’a want the government to reduce the fee for testing of covid-19 among their workers. The liquor traders claimed that up to now there is no clear information about testing of the workers and some hospitals are charging exorbitant prices. In a press conference on Monday, the […]

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Ban plastic water bottles from all the hotels in Nakuru

The  Nakuru Tourism  Association has embarked on a novel plan of banning plastic water bottles from all the hotels, National parks, recreational areas and eventually the entire county. The  Chairman, David Mwangi said the increased number of domestic tourists in the county has translated into increased plastic water bottles and there was an urgent need […]

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