MCAs laud High Court for endorsing impeachment of Baringo Deputy Speaker

Jacob Cheboiwo of Jubilee Party  will be the new Deputy Speaker (DS) for Baringo county assembly after the High Court  sitting in Kabarnet endorsed the impeachment of former officeholder Ameja Zelemoi. Zelemoi who was elected on a KANU ticket as the MCA for Churo Amaiya ward was impeached on March 17, 2020 in the motion […]

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Department given 60 days to audit county residential houses

The Department of Housing and Urban Planning has been given 60 days to compile an audit report of all houses owned by Machakos County government. In  a  report tabled before the County Assembly by the Transport, Roads, Housing and Urban Planning Select Committee, and headed by Jubilee nominated MCA, Irene Mbivia, the committee also wants […]

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Amey call on county assembly to address animal menace

The  Kenya  Livestock  Marketing Council Chairman, Dubat  Amey has called on the county assembly to pass laws that will restrict animals roaming the streets of Garissa town. His calls follow complaints from grocery traders in Garissa town that animals mostly goats, donkeys and cows roaming the streets and preying on their wares. Amey  said since […]

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Kaksingri West residents complain about cage fishing

The   Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food Security Committee of Homa-Bay County Assembly has recommended that the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed  between the County government and a private  investor in February 2006 must be  reviewed. This  came  after a petition was received from Kaksingri West Development Forum complaining that fish cages which were  erected by […]

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Kwale assembly suspends two multi-billion projects

The  County Assembly has unanimously passed a motion suspending two multibillion projects funded by the national government and development partners. The affected projects include the Mwache Multipurpose Dam funded jointly by the government and the World Bank at a cost of Sh. 34billion, and the Sh.20billion Shimoni Integrated Port Programme. The Majority Leader, Raia Mkungu […]

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